Personal Information Protection Policy


Personal Information Protection Policy

OSAKA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY's Personal Information Protection Policy is fully compliant with all laws and regulations regarding protection of the personal data of our customers. We have voluntarily established rules and a framework for protecting personal data which we will continue to support and maintain.

  1. The Foundation drafted "Personal Information Protection Regulations" to safeguard the personal information of our users. The Regulations have been disseminated to all of our staff, and we will continue to improve and maintain the Regulations.
  2. The Foundation has taken appropriate data security measures to protect against unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc. to ensure that personal information is not lost, destroyed, tampered with, or divulged.
  3. The Foundation obtains personal information by fair and lawful means, and receives permission from the people whose data we collect for purposes that we explicitly state on the Foundation's web site.
  4. Personal information shall only be used as needed in the performance of our business operations, and customer data shall not be given out to third parties without explicit consent of customers. However, please note the following cases in which customer information may be provided to third parties or used for purposes beyond the scope of the purposes of use without receiving the prior consent of customers.
    1. (1) Cases in which disclosure is required by law
    2. (2) Cases in which disclosure of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, wellbeing, or assets of an individual, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
    3. (3) Cases in which disclosure of personal information is necessary to improve public hygiene or to promote healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
    4. (4) Cases in which disclosure of personal information is necessary to cooperate with an agency of the state or local government so they can carry out their duty according to law, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual without interfering with the execution of this duty.
  5. The Foundation recognizes the rights and will respond appropriately to requests from individual to disclose, correction, suspend, or delete retained personal information that could lead to the identification of the said individual.
  6. The Foundation will respond appropriately to individual complaints regarding the handling of the individual's personal information (in dealing with inquiries about the individual's personal information).
  7. The Foundation will take measures to supervise third parties in cases where the third parties are entrusted with the user's personal information.
  8. In cases where personal information is shared with specified third parties, the Foundation will verify in advance the specific items of personal information to be shared, the number of people who will have access to the information, the people who will be using the information and for what purpose, and who will be responsible for managing the information. In addition, the Foundation will ensure that this information is readily accessible to the individuals whose personal information is being shared.

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■ Guidance on how customer information is used and handled Click here